
ASC A-ET02 Power Factor Demonstrator is an extremely useful laboratory kit which provides facilities for hands on experience to various experiments in the field of electrical trainer and provides all necessary inputs and connections for students to study Measurement of Power Factor at Resistive (R) Load, Resistive and Inductive (R-L) Load, Resistive and Capacitive (R-C) Load & Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive (R-L-C) Load and Analysis and improvement of Power Factor of RL ,RC & RLC network through Capacitor.



Micro controller Based Multifunctional Meter with high accuracy and resolution
Equipped with inbuilt R, L and C load required for experiment
Supply Indicator
Diagrammatic representation on front panel.
Built in Protection devices.


Measurement of Power Factor at
– Resistive (R) Load
– Resistive and Inductive (R-L) Load
– Resistive and Capacitive (R-C) Load
– Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive (R-L-C) Load.
Analysis and improvement of Power Factor of RL, RC & RLC network through Capacitor.


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